Slippy Toad (64)

Slippy Toad (64) 1.0

Now, do the next one of Star Fox 64 Models that include Fox McCloud (with TerminalMontage), Falco Lombardi, Peppy Hare, Krystal, and Wolf O'Donnell (with Venom II of Injured Style + Assault and Brawl Skin (with Pirate Wolf, Pilot Wolf, Melee Wolf, and Ultimate Wolf) instead of costume) [which is a Voice Clips of Star Fox 64, Super Smash Bros. + Smash Remix, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox Assault, Super Smash Bros. Brawl & Smash Ultimate (Japanese Voice)]. | Next we have all Custom Caps of Arwings, Blue-Marine, Landmaster, and Wolfen.
Coming soon to Star Fox 64 Character Select of every Models that include Official and Custom / Edited version.
Don't double post! Use that edit button! Post automatically merged:

Do Andross as Bowser Voice in Super Star Fox 64 Mod.
Coming soon.

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