Question about exporting custom map from Blender


Aug 10, 2024
Hey guys, I'm a new modder trying to make a custom map for the first time! I've done my best to read existing posts in this forum to get started and I currently have Blender 3.5 set up with Fast64.

I have almost no experience with Blender so I wanted to just start off by exporting Blender's default scene of a cube (pictured below). I can see that it wants me to specify the folder of the decomp and choose a level to overwrite. However, I know that it's possible, based on looking at other custom map mods, to register an entirely custom level in sm64coopdx by calling level_register and having a .lvl file in the levels folder of your mod. My question is, what settings should I choose here to export the right data I need to register this scene as a custom level?


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EDIT: Just learned I wasn't understanding the distinction between courses and levels. I now see that some of these custom maps are registering themselves as levels under COURSE_NONE. However I'm still not sure what exactly to put into the SM64 Level Exporter 😅
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