Qualifications for being a Modder

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Modsite guy
Staff member
Mar 6, 2024
Indianapolis, IN
He / Him
In order to receive the title of "Modder" and to be able to submit mods to the website, one of the following must be submitted:

1. A link to work that you have done previously to showcase your abilities as a modder for the game.

2. The code for an example mod that is of at least decent quality. (We will be the judge of "decent". Generally speaking though, the code is clean, accomplishes some sort of function, and showcases a decent underlying knowledge of modding the game and coding in lua in general.)

3. We will not pass the modder role to users who only made skin swap mods. Even with permission.

4. We expect mods to be in good working order and quality before release, and be relatively new user friendly to install (ie just drag and drop the file onto the game or mod folder)

5. We reserve the final word on all decision making. If we tell you no for *Reasons*, then that's your answer!

6. If you used a template or others work to be able to create your mod, then you must credit or cite other individuals who's work you have used. Failure to do this constitutes plagiarism, and is grounds for an automatic denial.

If you are new to making mods, Be sure to check out the Lua documentation for the game.

If you want to share your proof of concept, broken, in development, or otherwise totally unfinished mod, feel free to post about it in Modding general discussion. If you have questions, feel free to ask in Modding help
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