Proximity Chat for MacBook


Jun 7, 2024
australia melbourne
now me myself i cant mod for anything, I haven't learned how to mod yet but I do plan to... but at the time no I don't have experience at it
proximity chat just released and I play this game quite a bit, and I like to engage in voice chat with others so....
for those who arent lucky enough to have a exe file or even be able to have a emulator for that, I'm asking for someone (maybe the creator of proximity chat?) to make a macos/literally anything other then windows file for the game
I might get crapped on but honestly I deserve it lol
I might get crapped on but honestly I deserve it lol
This has insured that you do not deserve it.
If you reeally need this port so badly, bug Limbokong about it.
They're the only one who knows how to navigate the Unity source files, seeing as they made the mod for Drenchy's YouTube channel.
Alternatively, make this same suggestion on the discussion page like Drenchy already told you to do.
Having an entitlement mentality will get you nowhere in this community, nor in any other.
Try running sm64ex-coop/coopdx via Whisky, and run the proximity chat in the same bottle, that may work. You may just be able to run proximity chat via Whisky, and it hook into coopdx, however I don't know if that will work or not, however it does indeed launch with Whisky.
appreciate the help, sorry if im being a bastard, I don't really engage talking with people and I definitely don't use the internet so I'm kinda not good with talking to people sometimes haha

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