Mods not working after importing


Jul 19, 2024
I've been troubleshooting this for the past 3 days now and can't find any info about this issue.
TLDR I try to import a mod, drag the .zip or .lua file into the game as it's opened or extract it to the mod folder directory in appdata.
However no mods work at all once I do this, even the ones that come with the program to run the game don't work either.
Does said mods folder share a folder with sm64coopdx.exe? You should be putting mods into that folder, not in the folder with the baserom and other files like that.

You might be using an old sm64ex-coop folder.

Just make sure. :)
Does said mods folder share a folder with sm64coopdx.exe? You should be putting mods into that folder, not in the folder with the baserom and other files like that.

You might be using an old sm64ex-coop folder.

Just make sure. :)
??? The %appdata% folder works perfectly fine. Also, if an "sm64ex-coop" folder already exists in %appdata%, the game will use that. So it wouldn't matter
I'm just making sure that nothing odd is going on. Wouldn't know if the mods folder in any appdata folders modify the mod to make it run in any way.
I haven't combed through the code so I wouldn't be 100% sure.

Just trying to help. 😗

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