draco starts at 1:30 in the vid
(morgana has a command to swap to english voice)
heres the code to trigger that (voicetables and the rest of the code are REALLY long so ill crop them out)
(morgana has a command to swap to english voice)
heres the code to trigger that (voicetables and the rest of the code are REALLY long so ill crop them out)
local hasBooted = false
function monaboot()
djui_chat_message_create('Morgana has an English voice toggle: /monaen on')
hook_chat_command('monaen', "[on|off] turn Morgana's English voice on or off", on_monaen_command)
hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, function (m)
if(hasBooted == false) then
hasBooted = true
if _G.charSelect.character_get_voice(m) == VOICETABLE_MONAJP then _G.charSelect.voice.snore(m) end
if _G.charSelect.character_get_voice(m) == VOICETABLE_MONAEN then _G.charSelect.voice.snore(m) end
hook_event(HOOK_CHARACTER_SOUND, function (m, sound)
if _G.charSelect.character_get_voice(m) == VOICETABLE_MONAJP then return _G.charSelect.voice.sound(m, sound) end
if _G.charSelect.character_get_voice(m) == VOICETABLE_MONAEN then return _G.charSelect.voice.sound(m, sound) end