Kristall submitted a new mod:
Kapi's Rock n Roll Moveset - Play with Kapi's moveset from "Kapi's Rock n Roll"!
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Kapi's Rock n Roll Moveset - Play with Kapi's moveset from "Kapi's Rock n Roll"!
It's time to Rock n Roll!
- Roll: Hold B on the ground or in the air
- Dashress X in the air, once you use it you can't do it again until you touch a wall or the ground, you can press A while dashing to cancel your dash and gain a bit of extra height
- Jumpingress A to Jump, you can only do single jumps
- High Jumpress A while Rolling and having your joystick neutral, you can use it to gain a lot of height quickly
- Long Jumpo the same as previous but with the...
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