From: iZePlayz
Adds SaveStates to SM64EX-COOP!
- Save up to 4 states at the same time by using the 4 D-Pad buttons
- To load states, hold down L and press the corresponding D-Pad button
- Each player gets their own 4 local savestate slots (Global SaveStates maybe in the future)
Commands and local settings
- Use /autoload or /al to toggle AutoLoading the latest savestate upon death
- Use /autoheal or /ah to toggle AutoHealing after loading savestates
- Use /savestates, /savestate, or /ss to get infos about your local settings and slots
- SaveStates are now much more accurate and precise
- You will now be automatically teleported/warped into the correct level, area and act when loading a SaveState
- [HOTFIX-1] Fixed a Softlock-Bug that occurred when entering a level/loading zone under specific circumstances
- [HOTFIX-2] The normal coin counter, the amount of already collected red coins and the amount of “collected secrets” are now no longer affected by loading savestates.
- Removed the unnecessary color codes in the “mod-name”
- Removed Herobrine and added Wario Apparition