In need of help in relation to exporting armature geolayout in blender


Apr 22, 2024
I'm currently attempting to import a custom mario model into saturn. When I go to actually do this, I constantly get this string of errors -

"All verticies must be part of a vertex group, be non-trivially weighted (> 0.4), and the vertex group must correspond to a bone in the armature"
"Groups of the bad vert that don't correspond to a bone: []. if a vert is supposed to belong to this group, then either a bone is missing or you have the wrong group"
"Groups of the bad vert below weight limit: []. if a vert is supposed to belong to one of these groups then make sure to increase its weight."

I've been stuck at this issue for awhile now. I've changed about a hundred different things and editing stuff in blender I thought would help, but to no avail.

Willing to send my blend out to someone who could help fix & describe what exactly I did wrong.
This can be one of many reasons:
  • There are vertices that are not assigned to any bones
  • There are vertices assigned to more than one bone
  • The assigned verts are not assigned with a weight of 1
  • The mesh is parented to 2 different armature

Here's what to do.
Check weight mode to see if parts are assigned to bones you don't want to be assigned to. and if there's any weighted verts that are not red, make them red.
There's also a way to select all unassigned verts if you have any.
If there's vertgroups that are not from the armature, delete them.
Holy crap, looks like a part of my model kept getting split from another piece of it somehow, and my issue stemmed from that. Thanks! Now I'm able to export the geolayout, but I don't see my model loaded up in the packs list in Saturn. When I open the folder through that app it's there, though.
Holy crap, looks like a part of my model kept getting split from another piece of it somehow, and my issue stemmed from that. Thanks! Now I'm able to export the geolayout, but I don't see my model loaded up in the packs list in Saturn. When I open the folder through that app it's there, though.
did it create a .geo file. If not rename the model's folder to "mario" and put it in a folder called "actors" which is inside another folder in mods. other than that I don't really know.
did it create a .geo file. If not rename the model's folder to "mario" and put it in a folder called "actors" which is inside another folder in mods. other than that I don't really know.
My issue was that I didn't have a JSON file, but when I did create one, it showed me a weird error which chalked up to me having an invalid file format for one of my textures. I ended up getting it into saturn yesterday. Thank you for your help!

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