In-game text doesn't fit in a vertical aspect ratio. (For my splitscreen setup.)


Sep 4, 2024
So I've been doing splitscreen by running the game twice by running player 2 in a sandboxie instance & using borderless gaming to reposition & make the windows borderless.

However I found that dividing the screen vertically leads to in-game text being unreadable as it is off-screen. I don't really want to use it in this way until I can find a way to get the screens to be able to read text, so as to allow everyone to enjoy the story as it was meant to be enjoyed.

A seemingly obvious solution is to do it horizontally, which admittedly works perfectly fine, but I feel vertical splits shouldn't be deprived of being able to read the story & text. If there is a way to make vertical aspect ratio's text legible let me know, as I couldn't find any settings to adjust the text windows at all.

(Also just wanted to add to this that in horizontal the text feels a bit small, which isn't ideal for playing from the couch, if there is a way to adjust in-game text, let me know, as I'd like to make sure no one has to strain their eyes while we play.)

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