how do the face textures work?/


May 23, 2024
I have returned, i fixed the arm issue and got the character working in the game, now i hit a new issue.

so from what i have seen with the Wario and Waluigi models, there are two mouth textures so for my character i have done the same. I have been using the templates to build this custom character and in there it had these dead heads which i figured were where i put the dead textures. the eyes went through but the mouth didn't (Should also say i used the Luigi template if that is helpful info).

is there something i need to do in blender or in a lua file to have this texture be functional?
On the left, there is your hierarchy tab, browse through the bones until you find the eye material switch, click on it then on the bottom left click the bone tab (its a bone icon) youll have the settings there
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On the left, there is your hierarchy tab, browse through the bones until you find the eye material switch, click on it then on the bottom left click the bone tab (its a bone icon) youll have the settings there
are you referring to this?

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are you referring to this?

are you referring to this?
NEVERMIND, I FOUND IT, i can probably figure it out from here. thanks tho

Edit: so in case someone else was looking this up, you have to look for this setting while clicking on the main armature's eye state bone. you scroll down to the bottom and switch it from a material override to a mesh override.

Edit May 27th: Only issue I have found now is that the mesh override doesn't work in THI but I'm fine with that
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