Game detecting controller input as both game and raw PC input


Apr 21, 2024
I am using an XBOX ONE controller connected through Bluetooth.
My controller is being detected as game input and mouse input on my computer, so for example, when I move the Right Control Stick my mouse cursor moves around my multiple monitors causing unwanted inputs on my computer.
Another example is both my right and left joysticks are controlling the C-stick input.
Attempting to rebind my controller in the game causes it to register as keyboard input, such as the [X] and [Y] button being detected as [PageUP] and [PageDOWN].

How do I make it so my controller ONLY controls the game input and not the keyboard/mouse input on my PC?
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It was Steam grabbing my controller input causing the input issues, I realized after I pressed L3 and the steam keyboard popped up
Closing steam fixed the issue and now the controller input only controls the game

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