Ex-Coop Mod Archiving

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Staff member
Mar 6, 2024

I have plans on making sure exCoop mods would be added here. I want to make sure this site as much archived mods as possible.​

However there are some things that must be agree upon:​

  • Simple mods such as "Press X to die" must be uploaded in the utility section, ONLY for testing such as characters. You MUST provide a good reason as to why it should be added.

  • If the mod doesn't work or hasn't been tested for CoopDX, it will be removed.

  • There must be concrete proof that the original author is okay with the repost. If the author is no longer around the internet anymore, then the mod can be shared ONLY if it's properly credited. If the author contacts us that they want it removed anyway, it WILL be removed.

  • A tag called "legacy" must be added in the mod to make sure where it came from.

  • If it's known that the author does NOT want their mod (or older version of their mod) to be in the modsite and was uploaded anyway, it WILL be removed. Failure to comply and you will have your modding privileges removed.

We hope this site serves as a go-to way for mods of any version of Coop.​

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