"[CS] Neco-Arc with Voice!" - Voice, not working..


Sep 13, 2024
Hi, I'm having trouble with the "[CS] Neco-Arc with Voice!" Mod where, the voice doesn't work.

When Single Jumping, Triple Jumping, Backflipping, Sideflipping, or Diving, it's the voice of Default Mario, and with every other action I can test in Castle Grounds, Double Jumping, Long Jumping, Ground Pounding, Punching, Drowning, Kicking, Fall Damage, Respawning, and every stage of Falling Asleep & Sleeping, play no audio at all.

I'm using the Open GL version of "sm64coopdeluxe", and the mods I have enabled are: Character Select, Day Night Cycle DX, Faster Swimming, [CS] Extra Characters, and [CS] Neco-Arc with Voice!

I installed the mod by dragging and dropping the ZIP onto the game window.

This is happening to both "Neco-Arc" and "Neco-Arc Colours" options from the Extra Characters menu.

If more info is needed I'll be happy to supply.

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