Character Select

Character Select v1.9


Mar 24, 2024
She/Her | Transgender | Gynosexual
From: Squishy6094

A Model Selector for SM64CoopDX with an Extensive API and tons of Support!​


Our main goal is to make Character Creation on Lua's end as simple as possible, and to move away from the old Skin Pack mod people keep copying and pasting. With this goal in mind, we tried to make everything as streamlined as possible throughout the character addition process, while allowing for tons of customizability!

Changelog and More Info can be found on the Github (Linked in Additional Information)
I was looking around for more information on how to create my own characters using this when I noticed the Github repo was deleted. Is there another place I can read documentation on how to do this?
Character Select 1.8 for some reason doesn't force the character palettes. Scrubbed my pc of all SM64COOPDX files, reinstalled, didn't change anything. Most characters still have just Mario's palette even with the auto use preset palette option in the CS menu turned on. Anyone know what might be going on or are most custom characters just totally ruined for me?
Squishy6094 updated Character Select with a new update entry:

Character Select v1.9

A new release made for CoopDX v1's release!! This update mostly adds stability and showcases CoopDX v1's new functionalities!

  • Fixed Auto-Apply Palletes not working when scrolling top to bottom
  • Updated Luigi Pallete to match the upcoming CoopDX v1
  • Made missing models display as armatures rather than ERRORs
  • Improved Loop Scrolling animation
  • Updated Palettes to use CoopDX v1 functionality
  • Updated Palettes to include Emblems
  • Fixed Palettes constantly...

Read the rest of this update entry...

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