
  1. YorkieYT

    SM64DS Conversion Set

    I grew up with the DS version of SM64, and as such I hoped there would be a mod that converts Co-op into DS. Unfortunately as of yet there is no mod pack, but over a year or two I have put together a list of the mods I use to sort of convert it into DS. Super Mario 64 DS Modpack by...
  2. Millymilo000

    Finding Super Mario 64 DS Luigi voices less-compressed versions

    Hi there, I plan to mod in the Luigi's voice from Super Mario 64 DS into this game, except the voices on the cartridge are very compressed compared to the voices we hear in this game. So I've found that a lot of these voices were re-used from previous games that had Luigi in it, and most of the...
  3. PeachyPeach

    Wanted! v1.0

    Remember that New Super Mario Bros./Super Mario 64 DS minigame? This mod includes both a single player and a multiplayer version. The goal is simple: the player has to find one of the four characters (Mario, Luigi, Wario or Toad) amongst a large crowd of the others. You can play with a...