
  1. NaNpuni

    [CS] Midna 1.0

    You'll come with me... Right? Midna is now playable! Features Custom 3D character model Custom textures Custom icon Support for Detachable Helmet and Powers Adjusted rig to fit the body Voice import from Hyrule Warriors and Twilight Princess Enjoy!
  2. Optimalsans

    how to fix Error parameter name omitted 182?

    i run linux/ubuntu. its some treaded mod refresh void. l found the location of error (djui panel host mods.o. what do i do?
  3. DavidHolandaOne

    Modder Status Application

    Hey, I'm DavidHolandaOne. also known as DHOne. I've been in Super Mario 64 community for a long time, pretty much learning about the technical stuff from the game and how to modify it. For the first time this year, I managed to make my own custom SM64 character model for SM64CoopDX, which it's...
  4. 27SMChrisCr29

    Help, I can't play sm64 coop deluxe Why does it tell me "connection with CoopNet has been lost"

    About two weeks ago I was playing with my cousin, but at one point the game where we were playing closed, when we tried to re-enter it said: "The connection with CoopNet has been lost", and since that moment we have not been able to play again
  5. CarsFan25

    Is there a SM64 Coop DX port for the Wii/Wii U?

    I know this sounds weird but is there a SM64 Coop DX port for the Wii/Wii U? a
  6. srGSR

    Easy Custom Moveset v1.10.1 ( American Philosopher Update )

    Easy Custom Movesets Easily tweak the moveset of CS characters by simply editing a JSON-like file. You can increase gravity, change jump strength, walk speed, even explode on death. For example, to make an float character with bigger long jumps and an dive with upward trajectory, you would...
  7. ttte2005

    Exporting el chavo characters as skins does

    Does anyone how to export el chavo skins to sm64 ex coop Also Use the texture pack for paty 1735963720...
  8. OSWALD 256

    Modder Status Application

    I was planning an Oswald CS mod for Coop DX, It was fun to plan the mod the only thing i want is publishing it
  9. TheBlazingmo

    JP mode ig?

    So for some who want the little JP features (and people that speedrun on JP roms), I was thinking about an extension like how when DX was first developed you could switch between EX and DX and so I was thinking if that would be a nice little feature. I know some people was telling me how that...
  10. Ibrazds

    Set Size v1.0

    This mod adds 2 commands.\n\n/size: Changes the size of your character by using 3 numbers or less.\n\n/max-size: A host only command that limits the size of players.\n(DEFAULT IS 10)\n\nThe host is unaffected by max-size.\n\n\nThis mod does not update player hitboxes.
  11. Ash-Must-Die

    [CS] Generic soldier [ ODST | HELLDIVER | COG GEAR ] 1.0

    There is a mission that needs completion in the mushroom kingdom, and who better to handle it than the faceless grunts that turn the tides of war on the daily? With the might of the ODST, the COG, and the HELLDIVERS, this operation will be complete in no time. Features: Custom Voice lines 3...
  12. DenisTheGreenFox

    How is SM64 Ztar Attack launched on CoopDX?

    Hello everybody, can you please tell me how can the romhack SM64 Ztar Attack be launched on CoopDX? I actually wanna try on CoopDX because it's so great with mods I have.
  13. ShadowMimiYT

    [DynOS Character] Piplup v1.0

    Play as Piplup in Super Mario 64 PC!, I love this cute lil penguin, But his final evolution is even better!
  14. ShadowMimiYT

    [DynOS Character] Braixen v1.0

    Play as Braixen in Super Mario 64 PC!, She's one of my favorite fire starters, With the first Incineroar
  15. ShadowMimiYT

    [DynOS Character] Avery v1.0

    Play as Avery the Eagle from Animal Crossing in Super Mario 64! Requested by: Raten1 I accept requests
  16. Ibrazds

    Flood RomHack

    Mods show Complete show May Flood RomHack Means Not Uploading I Show Without Stuff like new it. ---------------Flood RomHack----------------- Total Romhack:60 @TOÑO Creator By Flood Romhack @SuperRodrigo0 Main Helper and Support @SuperMarty B3313 Flood and Mod Trailer @Blocky Custom Pause Menu...
  17. Ibrazds

    Gore/Hardmode v1.0

    who new stuff can be released no may mean next up that like that gore/frogger in the Gore/Hardmode i have by mods in creator discord my others mods your have show will try put on Gamplay @Blocky show try you mean show open in the gore mod this it. PvP 12
  18. Fl1ppy

    Mod Menu checkboxes coding help [SOLVED]

    Edit: Finally got the code working after hours of trial and error. Functional code below, for anyone interested. (Note: Wing cap only gets added/removed when entering a loading zone.) local wingCapBool = mod_storage_load_bool("wingCheckbox") local function wingCapToggle(_, value)...
  19. tanukimatt

    [CS] Ojamajo Doremi Pack v1.0

    Ojamajo Doremi Character Pack! A SM64CoopDX mod requiring Character Select (v1.10 or higher) Adds characters from Ojamajo Doremi/Magical Doremi as model swaps Recolor compatible! Doremi Harukaze Hazuki Fujiwara Aiko Senoo Modelled/Developed by tanukimatt Audio from various drama CDs and...
  20. ShadowMimiYT

    [DynOS Character] Amelia v1.0

    For the lovers of Animal Crossing, Amelia is now Playable in Super Mario 64 PC As a DynOS Character! I accept requests.