
  1. Blazingmo

    JP mode ig?

    So for some who want the little JP features (and people that speedrun on JP roms), I was thinking about an extension like how when DX was first developed you could switch between EX and DX and so I was thinking if that would be a nice little feature. I know some people was telling me how that...
  2. DenisTheGreenFox

    How is SM64 Ztar Attack launched on CoopDX?

    Hello everybody, can you please tell me how can the romhack SM64 Ztar Attack be launched on CoopDX? I actually wanna try on CoopDX because it's so great with mods I have.
  3. T

    Amy superspeed sound

    Hello, im having this problem in which if you play is the character Amy from sonic characters rebooted and run around its SUPER loud even on low volume. Is there any way i can fix this bug?
  4. Jessei17

    Who can give me the radomizer sm64 mod

    Aaa 1730992305 I've been looking for this mod for a long time
  5. UtenSwitch

    How to port SM64 Coop DX Models to Saturn?

    I've been looking for SM64 Models for Macinimas on Saturn and found some pretty impressive ones, like Pomni and Meggy. The catch? They're meant to be for this game instead, so I have to ask as I had no luck with any research: Is it possible to bring models from Coop DX to Saturn? If so, then...
  6. Dragonary

    Coin Requirement Modifier v1.0

    Coin Requirement Modifier Created by Dragonary Ever find yourself struggling to find the last red coin, or just too lazy to grab all 100 coins? This mod allows you to easily change the number of coins needed for the 100 coin and red coin stars with these 3 simple commands: /coin [number] -...
  7. Dragonary

    Super Mario The Galactic Journey v1.0

    Super Mario The Galactic Journey Romhack created by Fares242 Ported to co-op by Dragonary Story There exists a Star of great power placed in its altar in the center of the universe. It is called the "Galactic Star". It balances the spatial activity especially for planets with life on them...
  8. gato_supergamer

    How i start creating romhacks?

    Hi, i have some questions like: What format i need to create the romhack? What programs i need to edit scenarios? How i edit stars positions and spawns? Im going to try making a open world romhack but i need some tips to start.
  9. _6b

    King Bomb-Omb's Castle Texture Pack v1.0

    just a texture modification that changes the castle interior with a bomb-omb theme.
  10. _6b

    Paper Mario (and Luigi) archive (05/04/2023)

    A dynos pack of Paper Mario and Luigi in the style of SM64, which I made a long time ago.
  11. VioletArts

    [CS] Meggy Spletzer (OLD) v1.1

    The most controversial character in SMG4 Woomy girl has arrived in SM64 Ex-Coop / DX! The Pack contains Recolorability, along with custom voicelines! (Done by @ShiftProducer on Twitter!) Hope you enjoy the Woomy mod! Meggy's Color Pallete PANTS = 232327 SHIRT = FFFFFF GLOVES...
  12. _6b

    Rupees over Coins archive (05/02/2023)

    This is just a pack that replaces all coins with rupees. The icons have also changed to match. Same for the Blues coins switches.
  13. _6b

    N64 Logo over Stars archive (05/04/2023)

    Just a dynos pack that replaces the stars with the N64 logo.
  14. _6b

    [CS] Spondage Mario (Sponge) archive (05/09/2023)

    This is an old dynos pack I made 1 year ago. Spondage Mario (Sponge) Redone Dynos Pack - "coop-mod-releases" I decided to make it as a Character Select mod. For the voice, I decided to use my Luigi voice, which I'd done before, This one. Which i modified a little to fit the character. He has...
  15. _6b

    [CS] Cuphead v1

    Here's cuphead for the excoop, have fun ! (the character doesn't have a voice at the moment, i plan to put one on later but for the moment I don't know what to put...)
  16. _6b

    [CS] Paisano Mario Redone v1

    HEY PAISANOS ! _____________________________________ A remastered version of the Mario I made 1 year ago in the style of Lou Albano. Works well with the "Fortress" color palette. Enjoy ! (Before you ask, YES ! I'm planning to remake Luigi too.)