
  1. EmilyEmmi

    Fix That Rom Hack Camera Bug 2025-02-18

    A bunch of people have been upset about a recent change to camera behavior in custom levels (more specifically, any level that uses the "Rom Hack" camera mode). You can fix this issue without this mod by simply toggling "Invert X" in your "Camera" options (see image). But since not everyone...
  2. EmilyEmmi

    Painting Progress Overlay v1.1

    Shows the amount of stars collected in a stage right where its warp is located! Also shows cap switches, keys and the player count. Compatible with romhacks (mostly), Minimap+, OMM Rebirth, and even older versions of MarioHunt (Since v2.7 already has this by default, it won't do anything)
  3. xLuigiGamerx

    Run Binds v2.0

    Hold Y to Run, X to tip-toe, and nothing to walk. There are settings to modify walking and tip-toeing speeds, and you can invert the binds to run by default and walk with Y! Keyboard players are no longer inferior to controller players.
  4. ProfeJavix

    Team Hud 1.0

    This simple mod lets you create groups to see the icon, name, health and location of the other group members in your own HUD. Commands: join-group [number] - Join to a group in the specified range. leave-group - Leave the current group. Mod Menu Options: HUD Alpha - The transparency of the...
  5. Sharen64

    Sharen's Animation Overhaul v0.1

    Since I'll be out of my home for a few days and be unable to work on anything, I decided to give you all a small sample of what I've been working on. This mod changes a bunch of Mario's animations to give the game a bit of a different feel, as well as make a couple of extra changes to him...
  6. EmeraldLockdown

    Quality of Life Moveset v1.3

    A moveset that enhances the vanilla experience. Adds: - Ground Pound in Water - Ground Pound Jump (water inc) - Ground Pound Dive (water inc) - Ground Pound from Rollout - Twirl Down Faster - Wall Slide Author: TheBoiJoshua Co-Author: EmeraldLockdown To those wondering, TheBoiJoshua was the...