
  1. Asplatim

    [CS] CharizardMod 1.3

    My first mod i made for coop deluxe! Hope yall like it and any feedback is appreciated!! new icon made by @2909kjk on twitter! and thanks for helping me editing and extracting the voice lines to @DegXD24!!
  2. zeramykerd

    Mewtwo playable character with moveset

    Hi I'm new to the forum, it's my first post. I wanted to ask if it was possible to implement the mod for the inclusion of the pokémon mewtwo with a nice moveset, maybe even the ability to shoot shadow balls, or short-range teleportation, something similar to the moveset of browser + jr, it...
  3. takkotito

    [CS] Iono 1.1

    Iono from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet! Her voicelines are from Masters EX, and she has some slight recolorability (just her hair), maybe I'll update her in the future but hope it's good enough for now!
  4. ShadowMimiYT

    [DynOS Character] Piplup v1.0

    Play as Piplup in Super Mario 64 PC!, I love this cute lil penguin, But his final evolution is even better!
  5. ShadowMimiYT

    [DynOS Character] Braixen v1.0

    Play as Braixen in Super Mario 64 PC!, She's one of my favorite fire starters, With the first Incineroar
  6. BuckleyTim

    [CS] Buckley Tim's Poké Pack 1.2

    Several Low-Poly Pokemon (Lucario, Zeraora, and Victini) for your Character Select roster. ONLY FOR CS v1.8 OR ABOVE Features Lucario: - full recolor-ability -blue maps to Cap color -yellow maps to Shirt color -black maps to Pants color -white maps to Gloves color -yeah it's...