pizza tower

  1. UglyNoise

    If you dont mind me asking, whatever happened to Pasta Castle? (The SM64 ex-coop Pizza Tower mod, not the Pizza Tower Mario Mod.)

    in around 2023, during Pizza Towers popularity, there was a mod called "Pasta Castle" which gave Mario Peppino's moveset from the game, after the sm64 ex coop modding site got taken down, it kind of became lost media, and while the Unfinished V2 version of it can still be found, its really...
  2. pizizito


    Play as character of Pizza Tower -PEPPINO _THE NOISE -GUSTAVO -PEPPERMAN -THE VIGILANTE -FAKE PEPPINO -NOISETTE -MR STICK -STUPID RAT/BRICK I plan to make more character in the next version. Credits for Tor of Pizza for the characters
  3. SyoxGames

    [CS] Grun v1.1.1

    Grun Boozewad from the "hit" 'Pizza Tower' fangame 'Drunken Function' is coming to your nearest sm64coopdx localization file! Drunken Function is a Pizza Tower mod about a drunk irish man who gets caught in a scheme by an evil witch and now must stop them, check out the mod itself! Model By...
  4. SuperKirbylover

    Woonlings v1

    This is a DynOS pack that replaces Goomba models with these guys. I've currently dubbed them Woonlings since I don't know their actual name. WHAT IS A WOON? Woon is the latest game being worked on by Tour de Pizza. ... That's all I gotta say about that.
  5. Wagon64

    Mod Idea: Pizza Tower Themed Rom Hack

    It would be so awesome, it would be so cool...
  6. SuperKirbylover

    [CS] Pizza Pack v1.4.2

    Finally, the mod nobody everyone's been waiting for...! Pizza Pack for Character Select, feat. Peppino, Gustavo, Noise and Noisette from Pizza Tower, all fully voiced! Features include: Fully voiced cast of characters! - Voiced by Devilredd except for the long fall scream, that's from Pizza...
  7. SuperKirbylover

    SKL's Pizza Tower Pack Progress

    Hey all, ScottKL here! hey guys, i know since i've posted about it on my website that people have been waiting for a release on this pack i made with the pizza tower guys. can't release it yet due to polish and mainly waiting for the final recordings of voice lines, but i will say a lot has...
  8. MlopsFunny

    [CS] Snick the Porcupine! 2.0.0

    Play as Snick, the infamous Porcupine that makes games of the titular series: "Snick the Porcupine." Altough often overshadowed by a certain hedgehog, He still never gives up, and always puts in effort to maintain his yearly event: SAGE (Snick Ametur Games Expo). As seen in Pizza Tower and...
  9. Trashcam

    Peppino DynOS Pack! v2

    Replace Wario with the chef, Peppino Spaghetti! He features - Re-Colorability - Hud Icon - And Absolutely Nothing Else! *Taunt not included