
  1. Spring E. Thing

    Behaviours - INTERACT_COIN Hitbox Not Working?

    TL;DR I've done a lot of digging into how coins work in the SM64 Decomp source and largely deduced how the interaction between Mario and coins works. I've made a behaviour that sets a hitbox to replicate this, and I can prove the hitbox works already with obj_check_hitbox_overlap(), however for...
  2. Spring E. Thing

    Lua Moveset Edit - 1 Player Works Fine, More Than 1 Player Breaks Everything

    DOWNLOAD THE SOURCE FOR THIS POST HERE TL;DR My .lua moveset edit has wildly different behaviour between a server with only one player present and a server with multiple players present. I'm quite sure the reason is that I don't understand peer-to-peer network topology very well, but I need a...
  3. Spring E. Thing

    network_send() - How does it work?

    local function checkSend(m) if(m.playerIndex == 0 and (m.controller.buttonPressed & A_BUTTON ~=0)) then network_send(true,{sig="testSig",msg="you have received my packet"}) end end local function checkReceive(packet) log_to_console("well SOMETHING was sent")...