
  1. ProfeJavix

    Shotgun Coop 1.1

    This mod gives every player a shotgun with a moveset. Moves: Y: Shoot Charged Y (hold until the bar is charged): Boost Shoot Ground Pound + Y: Ground Pound Shoot Ground Pound + Charged Y: Boost Ground Pound Shoot X: Toggle First Person You can use the shotgun either in PvP or with some game...
  2. EmilyEmmi

    Celeste Moveset v1.0

    Celeste's moveset in Super Mario 64! Press X to dash and B to climb. There's also a mod menu, which contains many options. Also included with this mod is the Strawberry Hunt, which is enabled as long as there are no rom hacks or game modes active. There are 25 hidden strawberries throughout the...
  3. Daniel Game Speedrunner

    My Mod Daniel's Moveset

    Look At The Beta 1738414271's+Moveset+v0.5.lua/file Look There At The WIP Mod 😎👍 1738421266 Rocket Jump: Press X While Jumping Double Jump: Press A When Ground Pound Instant Back Flip: When Landing From A Ground...
  4. Kristall

    Kapi's Rock n Roll Moveset 1.0

    It's time to Rock n Roll! Controls: Roll | Hold B on the ground or in the air Dash | Press X in the air, once you use it you can't do it again until you touch a wall or the ground, you can press A while dashing to cancel your dash and gain a bit of extra height Jumping | Press A to Jump, you...
  5. ProfeJavix

    Mob Control 1.0

    This mod allows players to control the different mobs of SM64 and use their (almost) vanilla moves. Just go near them and press X when you see the prompt to take control of them. Then look at the controls on screen, mess with other players and have FUN! Don't forget to check the Mod Menu...
  6. ThaGurlTIlly

    [CS] Kazuma Kiryu: Fan Update V1.0.2

    "Come at me if you want to die!" A fan update of the original Kazuma Kiryu mod made by Mediocre Metastasis all credits for the original mod, including the wonderful custom moveset, and thanks go to them for allowing me the permission to post this update that I made! check our their Goro...
  7. chrrli

    [CS] Kirby v1.0.2

    Kirby arrives in the Mushroom Kingdom with some new moves! As Kirby, you can jump multiple times in the air. You can also slide kick out of a ground pound. The mod features a recolorable Kirby with multiple expressions, as well as the new moveset.
  8. srGSR

    Easy Custom Moveset v1.9 ( Gladonic Update & Charizard )

    Easy Custom Movesets Easily tweak the moveset of CS characters by simply editing a JSON-like file. You can increase gravity, change jump strength, walk speed, even explode on death. For example, to make an float character with bigger long jumps and an dive with upward trajectory, you would...
  9. SimDjam

    SimDjam's Moveset v1.0.4

    Category: Moveset Thanks to @YTGolder for doing the ⭐ S M O O T H ⭐ speedboost and the particles!!1! All moves added are made by me of course : ) So how this moveset works, there is a lot of things 1. The special long jump: long jump + Y 2. The Rollout Back flip: Jump then X x2 3. The "only...
  10. F

    XMario 1 (the beginning)

    Remember that one Speedruner mario mod that Sonic1Sonic hosts? Yeah, that's this mod. if u see someone named xmario thats me on coop dx CONTEROLLER RECOMMENDED  The moves: Extras: That's about it. Full Potential
  11. char._.col

    How do I use a moveset with characters from a different mod?

    I wanna play as Admiral Bobbery (Paper Partners 64 mod) using the moveset from the Sonic mod, but I have no idea how, or if it's even possible :/
  12. Nefty

    Superstar Saga Moveset v3.0

    # Superstar Saga Moveset! Category: Moveset Lets go! Okie Dokie! Credits Made by: Nefty With the Help of Jabelrpo Fire and Thunder code by: Wibblus Bugs fixs by: Atrael2 Beta Testers: Foster The Arsonist, Jekino & JMC | Corlg Controls Mario Y after triple jump: Spin X after Jump: Ball Z+B...
  13. Mediocre Metastasis

    Kazuma Kiryu 1.0.2

    "Come at me if you want to die!" This mod adds Kazuma Kiryu from Yakuza into Mario 64. Can be used with character select or typing /kiryu on in chat. This mod gives Kiryu new animations, a new moveset comprising of a new attack combo and a dropkick, and revamped boss battles where you attack...
  14. PakPecik

    [CS] Kuribo Challenge 64! 1.0.5

    Give yourself a little challenge and collect as many stars as you can by hopping around as a Goomba in his Iconic Green Shoe from Super Mario Bros 3! HOP into the action by literally HOP into the action! (Walking is no longer possible) The shoe's flat surface prevents you from drowning into...
  15. Mediocre Metastasis

    Kazuma Kiryu mod demo

    I still need to create idle and running animations. I also need to fix a bug where whenever you exit a level through the menu or when you climb up a ledge the character freezes. Might add some more mechanics also.
  16. M

    Is there a simple way to remap actions?

    I'm trying to make a mod for myself that makes my perfect Super Mario 64 moveset. One of the things I want to do is remap diving to X and always make B attacking. Can any of you give me some code snippets, or just help me along by telling me what functions to use?
  17. Nefty

    New 64 Movesets 1.1

    The New Super Mario Bros Wii moveset now on Super Mario 64! Made by: Pepitosxd Spin and camera shake by: Dremy_Bowser
  18. Ex Coop Mods Archive

    Sharen's Improved Swimming v1.0

    Sharen's Improved Swimming List of changes: - Instead of rotating Mario to the desired direction and pressing A at a specific rhythm, you now simply pull the stick to where you wanna go and Mario will simply go there, with no need to mash A as he'll stroke on his own, if you wish to go up or...
  19. Hyacinth_03

    Small question about preexisting characters and the moveset mod.

    I'm trying to figure out how to use the moveset mod (Luigi's moveset, specifically) with character select packs. I checked the debug menu in character select, and it showed up with 'Forced: CT_MARIO', Not sure if that has anything to do with it, though. Is there anyway to override the default...
  20. steven3004

    Milne the Crystal Fox v2.1

    Trailer: You ever wanted to be a silly crystal fox zooming around stages, throwing rocks at enemies and do Russian dances? No? Well here's the mod anyway. Milne just somehow got transported to Mario's world and she decided to help save the princess, I guess. Usage: As a standalone mod...