
  1. Millymilo000

    Finding Super Mario 64 DS Luigi voices less-compressed versions

    Hi there, I plan to mod in the Luigi's voice from Super Mario 64 DS into this game, except the voices on the cartridge are very compressed compared to the voices we hear in this game. So I've found that a lot of these voices were re-used from previous games that had Luigi in it, and most of the...
  2. ComputerAxe

    ComputerAxe's Broken W.I.Ps

    ComputerAxe's Broken W.I.Ps Since neither my ideas nor code are good enough to a point that I feel comfortable applying for Modder yet, I figured I'd start up a thread in a similar vein to Chilly's Knicknacks but for horribly broken/buggy/not fully thought-out mods. Once I have achieved a...
  3. iZePlayz

    iZeSaveStates v2.1.5 [MOD-RELEASE] (Developed by iZePlayz) v2.1.5

    Adds SaveStates to SM64EX-COOP! Save up to 4 states at the same time by using the 4 D-Pad buttons To load states, hold down L and press the corresponding D-Pad button Each player gets their own 4 local savestate slots (Global SaveStates maybe in the future) Commands and local settings Use...