
  1. dokaden

    Custom Character Transparency

    Hey there! New here, and I'm in the process of creating my first character mod for Coop DX. So far, I've gotten a good ways into the process using this PS1 character, however I'm having a little trouble figuring out how to get the transparency on some parts to show correctly? On the hair and...
  2. kloodi

    CMDLib (Command Library) 1.0.1

    CMDLib is a command library that helps other mods make commands easier. There are lots of features including: Adding Commands Editing Commands (Not just the description) Removing Commands Automatic Argument Parsing Error Handling CMDLib commands are prefixed with "!" rather than "/" (For no...
  3. Asplatim

    Attempt to get the modder role

    Heyyy! My name is Tim from twitter @Asplatim. Im an artist whos been working with 3d stuff and i been working on a few mods for me , friends and stuff Coding im still kinda a noob of that but i can read and understand most of the code and make the changes to reemplace or adding simple stuff...
  4. M

    Star tracking and visible secrets.

    Hi guys! Idk if this is the right place to post this, but I REALLY would like to know if there is any mod that track the starts on the maps (Like a number on top of a star. Example : You win the race on first map, and there is a number 2 on the Star, just like in the Randomizer mod). And also a...
  5. Dem1W0lf

    Character Mod's voice now Muted

    So I'm working on a character mod of my persona, got the model working and the voice was working too. Then I decided to utilize this mod to give my character a bit of a different moveset. The moveset works fine (had no clue which file to edit so I edited the integrated file inside the ECM mod...
  6. nathabox

    I spawn Bowser but he freezes

    Hello, I've been trying to create a mod based on the random objects mod but only with bowsers but when I make it appear it stays completely frozen without doing anything. Would you know if a flag has to be activated for it to move?
  7. TheOne390

    Custom metal cap Music?

    I'd like to replace the Metal cap music with a different song (Particularly a megadrive rendition of M_WELCOM from Legacy of rust.) I already have the song in mp3 format. could someone give me a template to work with?
  8. Emeraldsniper

    [PET] Tiny Phalanx Deluxe Pack 0.5b

    Hey look, it's a ship! But wait.. it's, Tiny?? This is the Phalanx from the secret game Tiny Phalanx hidden away on another game called Zero Divide. This pack contains the following: [PET] Tiny Phalanx Phalanx (Koopa Shell) Phalanx TP (K.S.) The PET mod of this requires widdlepets to run...
  9. Keylo5564

    Wario ds model

    Im in the middle of porting wario's ds model to coop dx and it's taking a while, I might have it done on the weekend but It might take longer
  10. chelsea

    Game won't generate _geo.bin for custom character select- HELP!

  11. F

    XMario 1 (the beginning)

    Remember that one Speedruner mario mod that Sonic1Sonic hosts? Yeah, that's this mod. if u see someone named xmario thats me on coop dx CONTEROLLER RECOMMENDED  The moves: Extras: That's about it. Full Potential
  12. SgamerMinectaft

    Ayuda para crear mods

    Estoy creando un mod de "cada moneda q agarres te hace mas grande" pero este es el codigo del mod --name: Cada_moneda_Te_Hace_Mas_Grande --description: Este mod hace que cada moneda que recojas te hara mas Grande (0 monedas significa tamaño normal de el jugador) function onCollectCoin...
  13. YAHOO

    would somebody make a mod to change the jolly roger painting to the release painting?

    this one i personally think that is better than the other one, and it would be nice having a mos that changes the boat painting to this one
  14. Guest983

    How do i..mod the character in?

    So, the thing is im making an SM64Coop DX mod about my roblox skin, wich i made my main oc of everything. So, heres an picture of the model i made, well kinda cause i edited an beepo model, made hair, with some help made an hat and called it a day- ~~[WILL UPDATE THREAD, I DINT PUT THE IMAGE...
  15. F

    may i have modder stats

    can I pls have mod stats I made the files short to the best I can
  16. bluemauser3

    In need of help in relation to exporting armature geolayout in blender

    I'm currently attempting to import a custom mario model into saturn. When I go to actually do this, I constantly get this string of errors - "All verticies must be part of a vertex group, be non-trivially weighted (> 0.4), and the vertex group must correspond to a bone in the armature" "Groups...
  17. kris_damanz

    The Game is not building .bin file when I launch it. (custom characters)

    I've been working on this mod for about two days now and I'm trying to export it but when I launch the game the bin file never builds and my character model is just the blender armature bones. has this happened to anyone else and if so how do I fix it? I parented all of my objects to the...
  18. Yuriteodoro64

    How do i make a mod?

    Well... i want to make a Luccas Neto (brazilian youtuber) character mod. well what i need is 1 - A custom model 2 - Custom Voice clips 3 - Custom color palletes well... can you guys give me some tips and tricks on how to do a mod?
  19. Dragonary

    Coin Requirement Modifier v1.0

    Coin Requirement Modifier Created by Dragonary Ever find yourself struggling to find the last red coin, or just too lazy to grab all 100 coins? This mod allows you to easily change the number of coins needed for the 100 coin and red coin stars with these 3 simple commands: /coin [number] -...
  20. Millymilo000

    Finding Super Mario 64 DS Luigi voices less-compressed versions

    Hi there, I plan to mod in the Luigi's voice from Super Mario 64 DS into this game, except the voices on the cartridge are very compressed compared to the voices we hear in this game. So I've found that a lot of these voices were re-used from previous games that had Luigi in it, and most of the...