game modifier

  1. Saultube

    Goombas Into Scuttlebugs v1

    Nathaniel Bandy Would Love This Mod
  2. ProfeJavix

    Mob Morph 1.1

    This mod was a bounty from Drenchy. Subscribe his channel! This mod contains a list with a lot of mobs. Use the DPad to select one and press X to become that mob. Unlike Mob Control, the moves are not vanilla and now they are more challenging for the other players. Be sure to check the Mod Menu...
  3. steven3004

    Rideable Yoshi v1.8

    This mod adds rideable Yoshies to the game in some levels. When you ride a Yoshi, you can travel a little faster and flutter jump across gaps. You can also get inifinite flutter jumping with a wing cap. Unfortunately, right now, Yoshies can't eat enemies, and neither can you ride one...
  4. JairoThePlumber

    Speedrun Timer Reworked v1.5

    A mod that display a timer and it would keep going until you complete a run, This mod is legal to use for speedruns and for those who want to use it for fun, There's many things this mod can do! includes: Custom Menus For Host and Players Custom Positions and Color Fonts Api for other mods...
  5. EmilyEmmi

    Brutal Bosses v1.0

    This mod makes bosses more difficult. It adds new attacks and adjustments to every boss in the game. Also includes changes to NPCs, such as Toad, Mips, Bob-Omb Buddy, and more. Expect other secrets too... While this is compatible with rom hacks, you'll have to play in vanilla to experience all...
  6. OlitheGuy

    What is your favorite thing or thing you like the most about Coop Deluxe?

    Mine would be the multiple-quality gamemode mods like Arena, Hide and Seek, Star Rush, or Flood; and how easy it is to install the mod! What about yours?
  7. Juan

    My msys2 wont compile the sm64.

    so i tried to compile the sm64coopdx with msys2 manually, but when i run the make command, this happends
  8. EmilyEmmi

    Duels v1.1

    This add-on mod lets players engage with 1v1 battles with each other at any time! Simply type /duel [player name] to request a duel! Other commands include: /forceduel [NAME|ID,NAME|ID] - As a host or moderator, force two players to battle. /bestof [NUM] - Set the amount of wins needed for a...