dynos pack

  1. U

    Port Custom Character from Rom Hack to DynOS Pack

    So this process isn't complete, but hopefully we can get there, and this can help others. I tried the following to port a custom character from a rom hack: Apply the patch with the desired model to a clean SM64 rom to get the rom hack. Download RM2ExCoop and .NET Desktop Runtime 6.0 if needed...
  2. Boredom

    Sonic IDW Pack Idea

    Wondering if someone can make an IDW pack featuring characters like Surge, Tangle, Kitsunami, Whisper and more much appreciated if so.
  3. Saultube

    Brick Mario v1.0

    Mario is A Brick, Bricks Dont Have Arms. Pretty Spooky (this is recolourable) Credit To SprSn64 For The Model!
  4. Brobgonal Second

    [CS/DynOS] Boshi v1.3

    ”What're YOU lookin' at? If you wanna challenge me, you have to bring Cookies!” You remember Boshi from Super Mario RPG? well, he's back! and better than ever! Boshi is a lone Blue Yoshi and the rival of Yoshi, and now, he's in sm64coopdx! Credits: Thanks to BlueKazoo because of the model...
  5. moddinglmaoxd

    Silent Hill characters and Adventure Time SUGGESTION mod

    hello, I come to see if anyone knows how to make mods and can create a mod of characters from silent hill 1, 2,3, Origins, Downpour, etc. and Adventure Time like Simon Petrikov, Finn, Jake, etc unfortunately I don't know how to model or put models, I don't have the resources of pc and I don't...
  6. LuigiFan1

    Game closes when trying to load Dynos custom model

    So I'm making this mod for Mario 64 where it uses the Scientist from Half Life as the model. The model successfully exports via Blender but when I try enabling it as a Dynos pack in game, the game just closes. No errors, no popups, nothing. It just closes immediately. I'm wondering if it's due...
  7. JavoniCraft

    [CS and Dynos] Javoni 1.5

    Now you can play as Javoni from the YouTube animated series Javoni + Friends! (Why would anyone wanna do that) This mod comes with a changeable color pallete, and CS exclusively comes with custom voice lines! Wow!
  8. _6b

    King Bomb-Omb's Castle Texture Pack v1.0

    just a texture modification that changes the castle interior with a bomb-omb theme.
  9. ThaGurlTIlly

    [DynOS] Allergic To Mountains 64 Official Co-op Model Pack V2.0

    Allergic To Mountains 64 was a project I started for the Mario 64 PC port way back in 2020, it has since been basically cancelled, and as a final farewell, I decided to make one final update to the characters, when Allergic To Mountains began as Super Show 64, it was a coop mod, Mario and Luigi...
  10. CT Himself

    The True Paper Mario 2024-05-11

    That other one Nintendo want you to think is the real one? They're just a bunch of baloney! (Not recolorable, although that is up on the to-do list.
  11. _6b

    Paper Mario (and Luigi) archive (05/04/2023)

    A dynos pack of Paper Mario and Luigi in the style of SM64, which I made a long time ago.
  12. _6b

    Rupees over Coins archive (05/02/2023)

    This is just a pack that replaces all coins with rupees. The icons have also changed to match. Same for the Blues coins switches.
  13. _6b

    N64 Logo over Stars archive (05/04/2023)

    Just a dynos pack that replaces the stars with the N64 logo.
  14. _6b

    Retro Fratello v1

    Mario & Luigi's redesign made by me, looks a bit like SMB's retro sprites. Recommended palettes : Mario (SMB1) : PANTS : 706801 SKIN : f7aa01 CAP : d70101 Mario (SMB2) : PANTS : 0300bc SKIN : e79b00 CAP : ba4401 Mario (SMB3) : PANTS : 000000 SKIN : f9b7ab CAP : f63900 Mario (SML) : PANTS ...