
  1. Kaktus64

    Retro Coin & Item Boxes V2

    Replaces the Coin, Red Coin and Blue Coin with it's SMB1 sprite. Also adds new exclamation box textures for all 4 boxes that look like the SMB1 question mark blocks. Coin sprites besides the fully front facing one are by me.
  2. crazy1755

    Explode 1.0.0

    A true classic!
  3. Atrael

    Drop Your Coins When You Die v1.0

    A lua that makes you drop your coins when you die & an optional lava sink death command. Hit the jackpot everytime you die with the Drop-Level-Collected-Coins command. Credits: Atrael - Creator Sunk - coin check code
  4. Fearl

    Kaze 3D Coins v1.0

    Kaze 3D Coins Originally in a rom manager tweak, now in coop Credits: • Kaze (Original Model) • Fearl (DynOS)
  5. _6b

    Rupees over Coins archive (05/02/2023)

    This is just a pack that replaces all coins with rupees. The icons have also changed to match. Same for the Blues coins switches.