
  1. Charles0304

    what does god mode even do

    i once used it on cheats and it seemingly does nothing, what does it even do anyway? edit: nvm makes u invincible, i wish tehre was command option or a massive cheat option
  2. J

    Cheat menu not working properly.

    the cheat menu is broken for me if say I select an option for some reason it activates the one below it. I'll be looking in the code while I wait
  3. Dragonary

    Coin Requirement Modifier v1.0

    Coin Requirement Modifier Created by Dragonary Ever find yourself struggling to find the last red coin, or just too lazy to grab all 100 coins? This mod allows you to easily change the number of coins needed for the 100 coin and red coin stars with these 3 simple commands: /coin [number] -...
  4. iZePlayz

    iZeSaveStates v2.1.5 [MOD-RELEASE] (Developed by iZePlayz) 2.2.1

    Adds SaveStates to SM64EX-COOP! Save up to 4 states at the same time by using the 4 D-Pad buttons To load states, hold down L and press the corresponding D-Pad button Each player gets their own 4 local savestate slots (Global SaveStates maybe in the future) Commands and local settings Use...