
  1. Alej

    Cómo creo mis propios mods de personajes?

    Hola, se hacer modelos 3d con blender y me gustaría poder aportar creaciones 3d para personajes pero no sé cómo es el proceso
  2. J

    Character Volume

    heyo, i've been having a problem to where the character volume is just always way too loud or if i put the general sound down then the rest of the game is quiet. so i'd hope that we could have a specific slider for character volume.
  3. JonTheLGuy64

    A unique voice for Waluigi!

    I'm sure it's been overdue to suggest this, but we NEED an actual voice for Waluigi, instead of a deeper Luigi voice! I used to have a Custom Waluigi Voice mod for him, but recent updates to the game (I assume) made it stop working, so I feel like now's a good time to ask. Of course, if y'all...
  4. kris_damanz

    The Game is not building .bin file when I launch it. (custom characters)

    I've been working on this mod for about two days now and I'm trying to export it but when I launch the game the bin file never builds and my character model is just the blender armature bones. has this happened to anyone else and if so how do I fix it? I parented all of my objects to the...
  5. steven3004

    Milne the Crystal Fox v2.1

    Trailer: You ever wanted to be a silly crystal fox zooming around stages, throwing rocks at enemies and do Russian dances? No? Well here's the mod anyway. Milne just somehow got transported to Mario's world and she decided to help save the princess, I guess. Usage: As a standalone mod...
  6. Yuyake "FunkyLion"

    What's the difference between DynOS and Skin Swapping Mods?

    Dynamic Options System or DynOS is a patch that makes the game more user-friendly and customizable by reading external files and turning them into in-game content and was added by PeachyPeach for the PC Port around 2020. This allowed users to add their own characters in, edit general models...