
  1. EmilyEmmi

    Fix That Rom Hack Camera Bug 2025-02-18

    A bunch of people have been upset about a recent change to camera behavior in custom levels (more specifically, any level that uses the "Rom Hack" camera mode). You can fix this issue without this mod by simply toggling "Invert X" in your "Camera" options (see image). But since not everyone...
  2. crazy1755

    FreeCamera 1.0.1

    Controls Up/Down/Left/Right to move the camera C-Stick to turn the camera A/Z to move the camera up and down R/L for zooming in and out B to toggle mouse turning Commands freecam (toggles FreeCamera) freecam_mspd [NUMBER] (sets the camera's movement speed) freecam_tspd [NUMBER] (sets the...
  3. ★Gideon★

    Do you prefer having free cam off, or on?

    I'd like to know how popular free cam is.
  4. Spring E. Thing

    Lua - Implement New Camera Cutscenes?

    TL;DR I want to add a cutscene int to my .lua that isn't present in vanilla SM64. After adding the cutscene, I want to start the cutscene from .lua, I want player input to still work during the cutscene, I want the cutscene to remain focused on some Object in the game world, and then I want the...