bowser moveset compatible

  1. nathabox

    I spawn Bowser but he freezes

    Hello, I've been trying to create a mod based on the random objects mod but only with bowsers but when I make it appear it stays completely frozen without doing anything. Would you know if a flag has to be activated for it to move?

    [CS] Plushee 2

    Its Plushee! Here to make things a bit more cute and spooky! Requires Character Select v.1.12 or Greater Features Modified Hud. (Life Icon, Power/Health Meter) Fully Color-able Palette + Plushee's Blurple Preset Modified Normal Cap. Don't lose your head! + Bowser (+Jr) Moveset...
  3. Toad63

    Koopa character with only shell spin from the bowser mod

    Idk anything about modding, just an idea I had
  4. Garrulous64

    [CS] Dry Bowser (Bowser Moveset Compatible!) v2

    EDIT (v2): I've re-started the mod from scratch after getting some assistance from Melzinoff. Dry Bowser now has multiple parts to recolor, opens his mouth when spitting fireballs (but lacks wings as a result), has no more issues with his arms/animations, AND has a new Dead Eye texture. Mod...
  5. melzinoff

    [CS] Koopalings V1

    Bowser's children, now all playable! Please use the latest Character Select and Bowser Moveset while using this mod please! This mod includes: Larry - Lemmy Wendy - Ludwig Morton - Roy - Iggy They can use a flame breath and shell spin from the bowser moveset! As usual, sounds, caps and icons...
  6. melzinoff

    [CS] Bowsette V1

    This pack requires at least 1.8! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ HAPPY PRIDE 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 Bowsette is gonna show Bowser who's the real queen! Includes: Custom Animations Voice acting! (done by GauntletQueen) Custom Caps, Palette and Icon! AND IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE BOWSER MOVESET, JUST HOST CS AND THIS MOD ALONG...