
  1. Garrulous64

    Wario Land 4x64 Pack v1

    This is a small collection of Wario Land 4 mods for Super Mario 64 Coop DX! If you don't want to use a part of the modpack, just delete the other folders (or don't enable them). Pack Includes: Wario Land 4 Skin (Custom Model by Mariofan2468) (Custom Expressions, Voice Pack, Custom Caps) Keyzer...
  2. Millymilo000

    SM64 DS Luigi Voice 1.0

    A mod that replaces Luigi's voice with the Luigi voice used in Super Mario 64 DS. Higher quality versions are used, when available. When high quality versions aren't available, the original version from SM64 DS are used. In the "all-hq" version of this mod, the voice lines with missing high...
  3. MarioOnThePS5


    Im trying to make a custom music mod (Im not planning to publish it), and at the moment, im doing good, the only problem that i have is that the music overplays everytime i grab a star, can someone help me? (Edit: This also happends everytime i defeat bowser)
  4. C

    Choppy Audio Issue Help

    Hey, so I recently downloaded the Co-op mod, and as soon as I started it after getting a ROm installed the audio was very choppy. If weirdly slowed down as well. I'm not sure what the issue is, it's consistent with other things like this but has randomly gotten fixed. Things I've tried that...
  5. BiZaRrO

    getting a loud popping sound on occasion.

    One time someone else in the same level said they heard it too. Just a loud audio pop. Stupidly loud. It's happened a bunch of times over the past month or so. And i've played a bunch of romhacks, never had a problem. But randomly a romhack i've played before, decided today it was going to do it...
  6. daemur123

    Custom voice audio not working "I fixed it now"

    i got a mod that puts MX (Mario skin pack) and Lucas (Luigi skin pack) back into the game as a character select mod but there voices don't play and when i was MX guess what the only noise he was making? SLEEPING WHY IS HE ALL OF THE SUNDENLY A LOUD SNORER BRO WHY (why is the extra characters...
  7. FandrewD

    Music/Soundfont Trouble!

    I've noticed while playing Super Mario 64 Coop DX that all of the in game course music sounds really off for whatever reason, while I'm unsure on the definitive cause, it personally sounds like a lot of the in game instruments get cut off early; or are just flat out missing! I'm not an expert...
  8. iZePlayz

    Minecraft Music Mod 4.0

    # 🎶 Minecraft Music Mod v3.0 🎶 Category: Audio ### What's New in v3.0: Enhanced Randomization: The randomization of track selection has been significantly improved for a more varied and enjoyable listening experience. Code Overhaul: A substantial amount of code has been rewritten, leading to...
  9. ColorKing99

    I can't hear any of the custom characters

    For some reason I can hear the base characters just fine I can't hear the sound effects of ANY custom characters. I tried only using one custom character at a time, but I still can't hear them. Has anyone else had this happen? If so, is there a solution for this?
  10. Toonitor

    Narrator Mod Template v1.0.0

    This Mod is a template for other modders for a Narrator that talks over every action you do in game. For now, you have a basic narrator and a few audio files for certain actions. But you can add more to it. =D Here is how you can do it: Duplicate and change the following code's name and...
  11. gPhantasm

    Linux - multiple audio devices used between voice and game audio

    I have an external sound card that is set up as the default card on my laptop, but the laptop also has its own speakers as a separate device. For whatever reason, all of the game audio except for the voice lines are sent through the external sound card, while the voices come out of the laptop...
  12. Millymilo000

    Finding Super Mario 64 DS Luigi voices less-compressed versions

    Hi there, I plan to mod in the Luigi's voice from Super Mario 64 DS into this game, except the voices on the cartridge are very compressed compared to the voices we hear in this game. So I've found that a lot of these voices were re-used from previous games that had Luigi in it, and most of the...
  13. _6b

    The Sims 2 NDS & GBA Soundtrack v1.0.1

    The soundtrack for the Nintendo DS & Gameboy Advance versions of "The Sims 2", originally composed by Ian Stocker. All music has been modified. Some problems with the music mods have been fixed, including the bug that causes boss music and other music to play at the same time as the samples...
  14. _6b

    Luigi's 6b voice v1

    A mod that replaces Luigi's voice with a version dubbed by me. There are several vocal variations for the character. I hope you enjoy the mod and have fun with it! (You can use these voice samples for personal projects as long as you credit me).
  15. CT Himself

    Banjo Kazooie Music Pack 2024-04-02

    Replaces most of the music with the Banjo Kazooie OST (The only ones I didnt want to do were ones that don't loop cuz the game crashes if I edit them) Great for anyone who has a Banjo Character mod! (edited)
  16. CT Himself

    Replace End Credits Music with The Beatles: Yellow Submarine Credits Theme 2024-04-02

    Basically a demo to my Beatles: Yellow Submarine music pack mod. Not sure if you can make this into a Dynos pack so I'll leave that to you.