A music mod that makes all music and jingles "inverted." so that the high notes were low and the low notes were high, while preserving the tonal distance between the notes. Just a silly mod made by Pixels.z64 on his free time. I was surprised to see the results!
Minecraft on SM64-coop is now rewritten and improved!
This mod adds 20 blocks to choose from to place in SM64.
D-pad Left & Right to change blocks
Y to place block
X to remove block.
I have released a few mods on the discord server and id like to release them here for people that is not in the discord server.
User is @DayMario64 on discord (if you need it)
I need a list of the numbers for the sequences and what they are for.
I don't know what these numbers go to:
smlua_audio_utils_replace_sequence(37, 26, 75, "")
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