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  1. Paradox

    Connection problem

    Probably. A lot of Russian players have reported issues with the servers there
  2. Paradox

    Connection problem

    That's either your Internet or your device, not an issue with the servers
  3. Paradox

    Can't see EX-Coop servers!

    You can't, because sm64coopdx is considered a newer update of ex-coop. And newer versions aren't compatible with older ones. Either tell the ex-coop players to update, or let them play by theirselves
  4. Paradox

    Star Road rom

    Please read the rules.
  5. Paradox

    Player Pick Up And Throwing Mod

    Yes it does. Also, if you're gonna let your kid play the game, please make sure they cannot use coopnet, as it is for players 13+
  6. Paradox

    character select wont work :(

    Completely reinstall character select
  7. Paradox

    Question about mod updates

    It is recommended to delete the old version in case there are leftover files
  8. Paradox

    Android port?

    There is an android port. This is the only place you can get it from. GitHub - ManIsCat2/sm64coopdx Do not get it from anywhere else
  9. Paradox

    Mods greyed out

    There is no compatibility setting that needs to be enabled, you just need to make sure every other romhack you have is disabled. You can only have one romhack enabled at a time.
  10. Paradox

    New ex coop banning system

    Maybe, if someone ever decides to implement it. The game is open source, anyone can contribute to the development of the game.
  11. Paradox

    New ex coop banning system

    How so? We don't do age verification anywhere, so it wouldn't prevent anything like that
  12. Paradox

    New ex coop banning system

    Not entirely sure how good that sounds, an actual account system within the game would be better. The website already has support for it, it just needs to be implemented
  13. Paradox

    New ex coop banning system

    That's what screenshots are for. You're required to provide proof of whatever rules they are breaking anyways, why would it be so heard to screenshot their id in the process?
  14. Paradox

    New ex coop banning system

    Half the people on coopnet doesn't even use the website. This would be easier if we had an account system built into the game, but we don't have that as of right now
  15. Paradox

    New ex coop banning system

    Here's the thing. Depending on the context, we will give someone a second chance, but if they blow that chance they will be banned forever.
  16. Paradox

    CS error

    Delete the file
  17. Paradox

    Save files

    You can only have 4 different save files at once. If you want to preserve old ones, you can just backup your old save file that's in %appdata%
  18. Paradox

    Can someone make a Render 96 Waluigi and Toad Dynos?

    The discord server does exist. Also, Character select packs can be converted to DynOS, just rename the bin files to waluigi_geo.bin and toad_player_geo.bin
  19. Paradox

    Why can't you create a room with +16 players?

    No. Modified builds aren't allowed on CoopNet, they can result in a ban. Regardless, CoopNet is a hard coded limit of 16 players anyways, so you won't be able to do it
  20. Paradox

    Why can't you create a room with +16 players?

    You won't be able to change this, it's a hard coded limit. If you really want to allow more than 16 players, @Cooliokid 956 has a discord server that provides 64 player builds, you can ask them for a link if you want to use that.