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  1. Dominic

    im having a problem with the game for some reason

    Bruh I just got that error AGAIN.
  2. Dominic

    heres my name

    My name is kelpnelp(MerryCristmas!)
  3. Dominic

    My game gets weird when i use the character select mod

    Whenever I use it I can't stay on the menu if I do it just crashes
  4. Dominic

    im having a problem with the game for some reason

    I sometimes I get that too Idk who the heck is unknown Like who is that 🤔
  5. Dominic

    Sowwy i got mad

    (ノ`Д´)ノ彡┻━┻ (゜ロ゜)
  6. Dominic


  7. Dominic

    Happy 30th anniversary Playstation

    The Playstation 1 is now 30 years old!
  8. Dominic

    My CoopNet is being weird tonight

    when ever i join in a server it says: (CoopNet Connection is Lost.) idk why and I can't join a server it's never done this to me before