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  1. Keeberghrh

    Super Smash Bros. Co-op

    Keeberghrh updated Super Smash Bros. Co-op v0.1 with a new update entry: Super Smash Bros. Co-op API Update Read the rest of this update entry...
  2. Keeberghrh

    Super Smash Bros. Co-op - Super Smash Bros. Co-op API Update

    Hey all! First update, hopefully fully implementing the API alongside a few other changes! Smaller changes, Bowser and Emerl have two new palettes, and I've rewritten the Stock Render functions to be more streamlined, also using the new functions so there shouldn't be any warning spam in...
  3. Keeberghrh

    Super Smash Bros. Co-op 0.2

    Super Smash Bros. Co-op v0.1 After two months, this mod is being released! As a quick warning: Larger player counts may break the game. It is recommended you stick to smaller groups, between 2 and 5 players. The mod works with more players, but game breaking bugs seem more common with higher...
  4. Keeberghrh

    Super Smash Bros. Co-op

    Keeberghrh submitted a new mod: Super Smash Bros. Co-op v0.1 - Smash Bros. in Super Mario 64 Co-op! Read more about this mod...