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  1. Clamsplayz

    OpenGL - Stuck in fullscreen?

    Alt + Enter. There is also a setting in display where you can turn off fullscreen.
  2. Clamsplayz

    Mario's Speed Cap

    It worked thanks.
  3. Clamsplayz

    Mario's Speed Cap

    this doesnt seem to work. maybe i am doing something wrong? this is all of my code tell me if something here is wrong. --name: Dash --discription: Makes Mario be able to dash by pressing the X button function mario_update(m) local DASH_SPEED = 2 if m.action == ACT_WALKING and...
  4. Clamsplayz

    Mario's Speed Cap

    I am making a mod where Mario can Dash by pressing the "X" button, but i have some questions. how can i make Mario go faster (IN ACT_WALKING) because the walking speed cap is preventing me from making this mod better. also how do i have mario keep dashing until i let go of "X"? because i have to...