it would be very very epic if we could hide the chat [as an smlua function]
Hiding the chat in certain moments, for like gamemodes
Coding a custom chat system
Allowing clients to hide the chat if they want to
From: birdekek
Its the character from the game Miyamoto himself said was above sonic
i disagree with that
as Plok is recolorable, Ploks colors are:
Shirt: c6d700
Gloves: c6000f
Shoes: c6000f
Skin: c6000f
From: birdekek
Flood Expanded v1.2.1
Discord Server for Flood Expanded
Changes have been listed here (More to come!)
Level and Author Name Display
NSMBDS Mario vs Luigi Additions (Coin Powerup Mechanic)
Difficulty Settings (How fast the flood kills you)
Adds a total of 12 levels (5 are...
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