Search results

  1. Paradox

    SM64coopdx on console

    All would require a modded console. And if you already have that, what's stopping you from installing Linux on it?
  2. Paradox

    Is CoopNet servers banned in Russia?

    It's caused by internet censorship. There's nothing we can really do about it. Using a VPN on CoopNet is banned as well, so you're pretty much out of luck. You can try using something like byeDPI
  3. Paradox

    Applying For Modder Status

  4. Paradox

    Can I be a moderator?

    Showcase some of the mods here please.
  5. Paradox

    I wold like to publish a mod Super mario 64 DS

    Did they make the models and textures, or did they use existing ones made by someone else?
  6. Paradox

    i want to be modder

    Do you have any mods you'd like to post? If so, showcase them here.
  7. Paradox

    i need help on how to i upload a rom hack of sm64 to sm64ex coop

    Romhacks need to be ported. It isn't like you can just drop the bps file anywhere and expect it to work. RM2C might help with the porting but if the romhack has any custom code or anything, you would have to recreate it manually
  8. Paradox

    “Custom Voice has Script Errors”

    What mods do you have enabled when you get the script errors? And which mod do the script errors come from?
  9. Paradox

    Player Pick Up And Throwing Mod

    His username is "marioiscool246", feel free to dm him yourself
  10. Paradox

    “Custom Voice has Script Errors”

    Do you have the Extra Characters mod enabled? If so, try to see if voices work when it's disabled. If they do, try updating the mod.
  11. Paradox

    Player Pick Up And Throwing Mod

    Timezones exist. It's been released as of 2 hours ago
  12. Paradox

    Player Pick Up And Throwing Mod

    Grab players? Marioiscool246 is. It's unreleased so it isn't available to download
  13. Paradox

    Hug-hint mod?

    The hugging mod was never released. Hosting unreleased mods without permission isn't allowed.
  14. Paradox

    got perma banned and dont know how to unban

    Your friend will have to remove the ban from his configfile
  15. Paradox

    Is it possible to change my player ID?

    No. Why would you want to do that anyways?
  16. Paradox


    Nah they do. At least, I know the Freddy one does. If custom voices aren't working for character select character, you might want to check and see if Extra Characters is updated
  17. Paradox


    Please don't use this thread if you aren't gonna use it for what it's intended to be used for. Only use this if you plan on applying for modder status.
  18. Paradox

    what the FUCK do i click on to open this thing (version 1.0.3)

    Are you talking about the executable? It's in the downloaded zip file. Extract it and find sm64coopdx.exe and open it
  19. Paradox

    Render96 co-op model

    Then look on the discord. It's the only place you'll find it
  20. Paradox

    Make servers with 20 players

    We won't help with modifying builds, since it's looked down upon.