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  1. Paradox

    Applying for Modder Status

    It looks good. Granted
  2. Paradox

    Applying for modder status

  3. Paradox

    i cant turn on more than one mod for sm64coopdx!

    Provide screenshots please
  4. Paradox

    Help me!

    We can't offer support for outdated versions of coop, especially unofficial ports. Any issues you may have should be reported to the creators GitHub page.
  5. Paradox

    cant move in mquake

    No... I'm pretty sure you have to enable "skip intro" before you host a server
  6. Paradox

    Both on the same Wifi - Wont connect (,'-',)

    No. You can be in the same network, different networks, doesn't matter. If you're using direct connection, make sure you port forward. If you're using CoopNet, you don't need to do anything
  7. Paradox

    Character select

    The android port was made by Owokitty, he hasn't finished the android port for sm64coopdx yet and it may take some time. Until then, you're stuck on an outdated version
  8. Paradox

    Character select

    Ok but that doesn't answer my question. What do you mean by:
  9. Paradox

    Character select

  10. Paradox

    Character select

    Nothing we can do about it since the android port is unofficial and outdated
  11. Paradox


    v37+ is only available on Windows, Max, and Linux. You can't install it on mobile since there is no mobile port
  12. Paradox

    Character select

    That's because it uses functions not available in SM64ex-Coop. Your only option is to either use sm64coopdx, or use an older version of Character Select.
  13. Paradox

    Update Available

    The same way you downloaded the version you currently have, from the GitHub. Release sm64coopdx v1.0.4 · coop-deluxe/sm64coopdx
  14. Paradox

    Broken servers?

    Servers are being updated, wait a little bit and it'll be back up soon
  15. Paradox

    sm64-coop-deluxe not working in wine with windows openGL version (using MacOS Mojave so the macOS version isnt supported.) version 1.03

    Forgot to respond to this yesterday. I haven't used wine in a while so I may be wrong here. Is there a way for you to get wine to use the entire folder instead of only adding the executable to the container?
  16. Paradox

    Rideable Yoshi

    If it's so simple, it should be simple enough for you to make it a separate mod
  17. Paradox

    Modder status application

    They look good. Granted.
  18. Paradox

    need to know if sm64pcbuilder2 runs on my pc

    It should work fine on most PCs, just install it and see
  19. Paradox

    need to know if sm64pcbuilder2 runs on my pc

    This should probably be moved to the off-topic forum, since pcbuilder2 doesn't even have the option to compile sm64coopdx. Also, pcbuilder2 should work on most (probably all) windows 10+ devices.