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  1. Paradox

    Does Anyone Have an old Copy of Fast 64 Gart to share with everyone

    Use an old GitHub commit
  2. Paradox

    i need help with mods

    All you gotta do is drag the .zip file into the game window. Or, unzip the file and move the extracted folder into the mods folder
  3. Paradox

    coopdx deleting itself

    Sounds like an antivirus is deleting the executable. Try whitelisting the games folder from any antivirus software you have
  4. Paradox

    Update Issue

    If it says you have v1.1.1, then you didn't truly update. Try again and make sure you use the newest .exe
  5. Paradox

    Character Select to DynOS

    You just need to rename one of the geo.bin files to mario_geo.bin and place it into a folder in dynos\packs\
  6. Paradox

    Applying for modder status

  7. Paradox

    Ex coop compatibility broken!

    If it was the servers, excoop wouldn't be working either. Excoop and coopdx use the same servers
  8. Paradox

    rom-hack adding problem

    On the main page iirc
  9. Paradox

    The mods on this site don't work

    You say main folders like there's more than one. You only need to copy and paste the one folder that contains all of the mod's files
  10. Paradox

    i can´t see

    Hold shift and right click on the game icon on the taskbar, then select "maximize"
  11. Paradox

    The mods on this site don't work

    Im 100% sure you are just doing it completely wrong. Every mod on this mod site works fine.
  12. Paradox

    Is there a mod or anything to mute Mario's default voice?

    There are mods to mute the main casts' voices in the discord server. I believe the mod still works
  13. Paradox

    How do I setup a server for me and my friend?

    Host -> choose mods you want to use -> host using either direct connection or CoopNet -> set a password if you chose CoopNet -> start the server
  14. Paradox

    Permission for mod?

  15. Paradox

    Permission for mod?

    Alrighty then
  16. Paradox

    Permission for mod?

    You need to ask Andrat for permission before you can post this mod
  17. Paradox

    Applying for Modder Status

  18. Paradox

    I cant find the Cheats mod for coop dx anywhere

    I didn't see this until now. I don't use Mac, so I wouldn't know if it had any problems. No one here even mentioned them using a Mac. Plus, you can't say I was ignoring the users, I literally provided them with another way on how to obtain the mods if they still couldn't find it. The GitHub link...
  19. Paradox

    Where is the mod.

    It's in the discord server. Feel free to join it and download the mod
  20. Paradox

    Cannot Find Mod Added

    If you havent found a solution, make sure the file is unzipped and is in the root of the mods folder. You also need to make sure the mod files aren't embedded in another folder inside the mods folder