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  1. Paradox

    como reinicio los controles

    You can click on whichever control you want to bind and overwrite it, or edit the configfile and remove anything related to the controls to reset them. Also, please keep all posts in English.
  2. Paradox

    Rideable Yoshi

    Regardless of who wants it, it's ultimately up to the mod creator to make it if they want it. Here's what it says in the rules: "Do not pester people to make something for you. Not everyone has the time or resources to make everything."
  3. Paradox

    I'm not gonna even say what's missing from the SM64 Land Port

    Bugs? They aren't bugs. It just wasn't added in yet. Which means it was intentional.
  4. Paradox

    mapped commands.

    How would that even work? Especially if each command has more than one option. Also, what if you have more than 4 commands, how would that work? Anyways, something like this won't be added, this is something the mod should do on its own either that or the mod should have its own djui menu, like...
  5. Paradox

    Broken servers?

    Having "fast" internet doesn't make it good internet. Your issue is likely caused by something blocking the servers, like a firewall or antivirus.
  6. Paradox

    A mod that I saw people using but I can't find it

    It's on the discord. I think it's called "Roblox chat bubbles"
  7. Paradox

    can somebody help me explaining how i put a rom hack?

    You're probably installing it wrong. Make sure the mod files are not inside a subfolder.
  8. Paradox

    Rideable Yoshi

    I advise you to stop demanding stuff. They don't have to listen to your demands. Feel free to make your own mods that do that.
  9. Paradox

    I'm not gonna even say what's missing from the SM64 Land Port

    Instead of demanding it to get fixed. Feel free to contribute! Also you do realize that sm64 land is still UNFINISHED.
  10. Paradox


    You can't. SM64coopdx is only available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. It's not available for any other operating system.
  11. Paradox

    Sm64 coop dx Android

    That is indeed correct. The devs have no plan on making any device ports besides the ones it's already on (Windows, Max, and Linux). Someone else would have to make it, like what happened with sm64ex-coop.
  12. Paradox

    Flood Romhack

    I think the answer falls down to AgentX, the original creator of the flood mod. Afaik he hasn't gave you the green light yet. Since it's his mod, you need to ask him.
  13. Paradox

    rom-hack adding problem

    The original creator of the port would have to do it. And afaik they aren't active anymore.
  14. Paradox

    Post mods?

    Well, we have to accept your application. So as long as you made the mod completely, then there's a high chance it'll get accepted.
  15. Paradox

    Post mods?

    Create a post here: Apply for Modder Status and showcase the mod you made.
  16. Paradox

    I cant drag the rom to sm64 Linux version

    Oh you mean when I responded? It was 4am for me.
  17. Paradox

    I have seen some people in sm64ex-coop having 182 stars somehow how?

    Romhacks can have 182 stars. After collecting them all you can disable the romhack and play a vanilla game on the same save file, you'll have the same amount of stars
  18. Paradox

    I cant drag the rom to sm64 Linux version

    .local is a hidden folder in your user directory. On Crostini, it's found in Linux_Files
  19. Paradox

    Applying for Modder Status
