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  1. Paradox

    Modder Status Application

    Feel free to use imgur or something if you still don't know how to upload photos
  2. Paradox

    this website kinda sucks

    That sounds like a xenforo issue. If you can't find the answer on your own, what's stopping you from asking?
  3. Paradox

    A unique voice for Waluigi!

    It's not. Only the original mod creators can upload their mods. Edits are not allowed
  4. Paradox

    x86 is not 32 bit

    It's not an error. "x86_64" means it's for 64 but devices. "x86" by itself means 32bit
  5. Paradox

    no se como jugar no encuentro roms compatibles ni skins que quiero poner eso

    You need an unmodified USA rom of sm64 in big endian format. You need to dump the rom yourself, we can't help you obtain one. (Read rules). Also, please keep your messages in English
  6. Paradox

    "Super Forms (V2)"

    1. I don't even know your discord username. 2. We wouldn't ban someone for something like that. So if you are banned, then you probably did something else
  7. Paradox

    I need modder

    Please follow this Qualifications for being a Modder
  8. Paradox

    How do you host a public lobby?

    Host on CoopNet without a password
  9. Paradox

    Give me modder

    Showcase what mods you have made yourself. If you don't answer this time, you will never get modder
  10. Paradox

    Se puede utilizar el chat de proximidad en Android?

    To answer your question: No, it's impossible
  11. Paradox

    modder status application

  12. Paradox

    mario builder 64

  13. Paradox

    It crashes

    Please report any issues you have with the android port to their discord server. This thread is only for the official versions of sm64coopdx
  14. Paradox

    how do i connect a usb controller to the game

    Step 1. Connect USB controller Step 2. Profit
  15. Paradox

    how can i uninstall the game without losing the saves?

    Your saves are stored in %appdata%, deleting the executable won't remove your saves.
  16. Paradox

    I cant drag the rom to sm64 Linux version

    I can't give you an image since I'm not at a Linux machine rn. ~/.local/ is a hidden folder in your user directory, you need to enable "show hidden files" to see it. The full file path would be /home/user/.local/sm64coopdx/
  17. Paradox

    "Super Forms (V2)"

    The website isn't the only place you can get mods. The discord server has way more mods there than here
  18. Paradox

  19. Paradox

    Where do I get the SMS Alfredo Voice Template?

    Use discord search