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  1. EmeraldLockdown

    How to make a command affect all players?

    Sorry for the late response. So yea, gGlobalSyncTable.coinsRequiredForCoinStar should be set instead of gLevelValues.coinsRequiredForCoinStar in the coin function. Then, create a hook that hooks to, for this instance, update. In that hook, just set gLevelValues.coinsRequiredForCoinStar to...
  2. EmeraldLockdown

    How to make a command affect all players?

    I believe this is due to level values only being synced on join. To fix this, you can either create a gGlobalSyncTable that you edit, and then set the level value to that global sync table, or use the network packet system. The network packet system is overkill for this, so just create an entry...
  3. EmeraldLockdown

    Porting a EX mod to DX without bugs.

    Make an issue here, and report the crash to the dev's, with the crash screen screenshot.
  4. EmeraldLockdown

    Porting a EX mod to DX without bugs. See that thread, it states what functions have been deprecated (removed), and related information.
  5. EmeraldLockdown

    the ability to save (and possibly share) custom color presets

    You can already do this in coopdx v1. For sharing presets, in the user folder, open the palettes folder, and your custom palettes will be there.
  6. EmeraldLockdown

    Tag - Tag v2.4

    Gamemodes Added Oddball Added Royale Revamped Oddball Modifiers Added Hard Surfaces Added Sandy Floor Readded Swap Added Z Button Challenge Added Only Firsties Romhacks Added Lug's Delightful Dioramas (jzzle and TheMan) Added SM64: The Green Stars (Bear64DX, or just Bear) Improved Star...
  7. EmeraldLockdown


    EmeraldLockdown updated Tag with a new update entry: Tag v2.4 Read the rest of this update entry...
  8. EmeraldLockdown

    Detect if the player is in the air?

    if m.action & ACT_FLAG_AIR ~= 0 Increasing vel in the HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP hook should work fine, however these actions break when doing so: ACT_TWIRLING ACT_GETTING_BLOWN ACT_FLYING_TRIPLE_JUMP ACT_SHOT_FROM_CANNON ACT_LAVA_BOOST
  9. EmeraldLockdown

    Need a list of actions.

    If you havent already, set up vscode, then select an action like ACT_IDLE, control click the action, and there should be all the actions there. Main reason I'm showing this to you this way is because you can get all constants, and everything's way easier when you setup vscode : ).
  10. EmeraldLockdown

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    Pretty unsure on how to do it then.. sorry about that :/
  11. EmeraldLockdown

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    It's just a function, so example code would be function shading(m) set_lighting_dir(0, 0) set_lighting_dir(1, 0) set_lighting_dir(2, 127) end ----------- -- hooks -- ----------- hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, shading) You can tweak the variables to get the desired effect.
  12. EmeraldLockdown

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    I'm sorry, I just looked at the image, I believe you're editing the wrong variable. What you're wanting to change is the light direction. That can be done with set_lighting_dir, this passes in an index and a value. The index 0 is X, the index 1 is Y, and the index 2 is Z. Then simply set the...
  13. EmeraldLockdown

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    Wait I'm stupid lol. It's lightR, lightG, and lightB, for red green and blue.
  14. EmeraldLockdown

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    What's the error, and what does your code look like?
  15. EmeraldLockdown

    what's the light X, Y, and Z value for ex-coop?

    No you can do this, this code simply isn't correct. Firstly, be sure you're hooking the shading function via hook_event(HOOK_MARIO_UPDATE, shading). Next, the light_X variable and y and z are all named wrong, it's lightX, lightY, and lightZ, no underscore. Once that's done that code should work...
  16. EmeraldLockdown

    Mario's Speed Cap

    Should have made this more clear, be sure to use the HOOK_BEFORE_PHYS_STEP hook, then it'll work.
  17. EmeraldLockdown

    Mario's Speed Cap

    You can multiply Mario's `vel` vec3f, like this: ``` m.vel.x = m.vel.x * 2 m.vel.z = m.vel.z * 2 ``` Please note that multiplying by 2, while not strong in some actions, can be VERY strong in others. Doing this can constantly increase mario's velocity to a unreasonable number, so be sure...
  18. EmeraldLockdown


    Mh uses a different system than Tag's. With tag, when you edit a setting, it's saved, no save button required. Also, this mod does not contain a number of runners, or anything like that, all of that is selected manually. Hopefully that answers your question : ).
  19. EmeraldLockdown


    Android is not tested with the mod, so yea it may be uncomfortable trying to configure settings. As for settings not being saved, the number of runners is not a setting, so I'm unsure of what you are referring to there. Not all settings save yet, however more settings are to be saved next ver : ).
  20. EmeraldLockdown

    Multiple custom colour presets, & Copying text from messages.

    The multiple palette presets does make a lot of sense, +1 for that.