Weather Cycle DX

Weather Cycle DX v1.0.1

This mod adds a weather cycle system with cloudy skies, rain, and storms to sm64coopdx. It uses Day Night Cycle DX as a base library, meaning you need to have it enabled in order to use this mod. There is also a toggleable Aurora Borealis that starts after midnight. I've worked on this mod for months now and managed to optimize the storm to run at 200-300 microseconds, which is an impressive number especially compared to the earlier 6000 microseconds.

Special thanks to Floralys for the original concept.
Special thanks to eros71 for saving the mod!

First release
Last update
4.86 star(s) 7 ratings

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  1. Weather Cycle DX v1.0.1

    Significantly optimized file size Added more fields to the API Adjusted rain parameters slightly...

Latest reviews

Really enjoyable addition, however it would be nice if we could cycle the weather if it turns out to be a hindrance for the situation (IE too dark, blocking/blurring view of something).

I'd also like to suggest adding a way to adjust the volume of the rain separate from other audio, & an option to adjust rain thickness would be nice imo. (& maybe weird suggestions but stuff like snow, leaves, tornado, or flower petals would maybe be neat little optional effects to add too.)

It'd be funny if there was an option to increase the odds of getting struck by lightning & the rate of lightning strikes for a bit of a group challenge run lol (maybe make it have the LoZ BoTW weapon rain zap effect before you are about to be struck, & make the counter to it crouching for a moment or moving under something to stop it from striking you).
If by cycle the weather you mean change it, you can use the weather command.
You can turn down the rain volume in the sound setting using the environment slider. Changing the sound of the rain specifically would require me changing how the rain sound works.
I can add settings to change rain 'quality' and as for other effects like snow or leaves there may be a future mod that contains those things...
Your lightning suggestion has been noted.
This is a pretty good mod, the fact of add to the game a new face with weather cycles...its too amazing, but...I'm having a problem whem i'm don't can't turn back to the "clean" mode, but off this, it'a a excellent mod.
If your time scale was zero, weather would not realize that and then immediately transition. This has been fixed in v1.0.1
Pretty good effects! Rain looks a little odd though, The texture needs to be smaller and the effect itself spaced out.
It's crazy how much something like this can completely change how levels feel. Being able to get struck by lightning is a really funny touch too. It would be cool if there was a slider or something to adjust how often it rains, but other than that, this is perfect. Great job!
Suggestion noted.