We both thought the same, but nope, it's not the gamecube tech demo! This is an old piece
of romhacking history. Super Mario 128 is a ROM hack created by RJWaters2, and released in 2008. It is one of the oldest SM64 ROM hacks which uses modified levels from the original game, and was highly known for its extreme puzzle-platforming difficulty level.
The hack was sadly discontinued, only leaving this 16 Star demo, however, there's extra levels that were modified which you can access, bringing up the total to 52 possible stars.
of romhacking history. Super Mario 128 is a ROM hack created by RJWaters2, and released in 2008. It is one of the oldest SM64 ROM hacks which uses modified levels from the original game, and was highly known for its extreme puzzle-platforming difficulty level.
The hack was sadly discontinued, only leaving this 16 Star demo, however, there's extra levels that were modified which you can access, bringing up the total to 52 possible stars.