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Speedrun Timer Reworked 1.2 Hotfix

A mod that display a timer and it would keep going until you complete a run, This mod is legal to use for speedruns and for those who want to use it for fun, There's many things this mod can do!
  • Custom Menus For Host and Players
  • Custom Positions and Color Fonts
  • Api for other mods (Although it's messy)
  • Reset SaveFile Option (Thanks to @EmilyEmmi)
  • Custom Runs Plugins
  • Quality of Life Settings
  • And More!
(There's also a SM64 only, but I would suggest to either use the Normal Or SM64 Only, since they use the same folder)

For those who don't like these changes, if you want to modify it to feel nicer, I'll allow you to do it

For those with people who wants to help, just ask me in dms in Discord if you like

(I will say, Give Credit to EmeraldLockdown for the Making the Mod in the first place, And i'm not just making this just for people who want to Speedrun)

Credit are in the mod itself but here they are in this Mod Page:
Original Mod By EmeraldLockdown
Mod By JairoThePlumber
Star Road Postions by Mr.Needlemouse
Sm64 Rules by Sunk
Rules Mod by Kaje
Reset Save File Code by EmilyEmmi
Bingo Mod by Blocky and Skeltan
And Everyone Who help Test This Mod
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  1. Speedrun Timer Reworked 1.2 Hotfix

    With the Coopdx v1.0 Released, I decide to check on the Speedrun Timer, and there were problems...