SM64: Madness

SM64: Madness v1

Warning: This hack has not aged very well, proceed with caution.

This is Kaze Emanuar's first romhack to ever be released, and has now been ported to Coop, certainly a start compared to what he does now.

It has 122 Stars total and a bit of kaizo difficulty to it.

image (19).png

  • KazeEmanuar - Original Romhack Creator
  • BlackJoystick - Ported to Coop
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Reactions: kanisan and Fearl
Yuyake "FunkyLion"
First release
Last update


3.67 star(s) 3 ratings

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It was hard 👍
but a made it funer by adding the OOM moveset
4.00 star(s)
Booting the hack, the lack of music and spam of enemies, certainly gives it a asthetic, and its not a very High quality one, Im not good at kaizo, so I cant try much else of it, But this is proof that we ALL start from somewhere, Even the hacking greats such as Kaze!
3.00 star(s)
Decent hack for the beginning of hacking, the port is really worked, the difficulty is medium, not so difficult except for the last level in which it could be a little difficult if you do not have experience in kaizo, the rest is all great, good experience
2.00 star(s)