Sharen's Improved Swimming

Sharen's Improved Swimming v1.0

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Sharen's Improved Swimming

List of changes:

- Instead of rotating Mario to the desired direction and pressing A at a specific rhythm, you now simply pull the stick to where you wanna go and Mario will simply go there, with no need to mash A as he'll stroke on his own, if you wish to go up or down, just hold A or Z.

- Entering water no longer puts you in a state where you have to wait for Mario to stop moving downwards, instead, you get to control him right away! In addition, if you enter water while already having considerable speed (most commonly via dives or long jumps) you'll get to keep extra speed you'd normally never reach!

- Shells are no longer a stupid joke, their duration was buffed from 8 seconds (yeah I didn't believe it either) to 30, alongside making you swim significantly faster as well as letting you halt to a complete stop faster! Oh yeah, you can also carry them out of the water if you wish, not sure how that's gonna be useful though.

- Metal Mario CAN swim now! You still sink, though, and swimming upwards will be noticeably slower, but hey, at least you get to swim downwards really fast.

- Water grabbing now doubles as a dash, very useful if you haven't entered water the proper way (a.k.a diving) or lost speed, though I wouldn't recommend using it if you did dive, as you'll lose your extra speed

If for some reason you wish to stick to the old way, you can! Simply type /better-swim and that will toggle the mod on or off.

Ex Coop Mods Archive
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Last update
4.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Way better than old swimming.