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Since I'll be out of my home for a few days and be unable to work on anything, I decided to give you all a small sample of what I've been working on.

This mod changes a bunch of Mario's animations to give the game a bit of a different feel, as well as make a couple of extra changes to him (which may or may not end up transforming this into a Sharen's Details DX but I do not promise anything).

So far: Idle, First Person, Walking, Running, Halting, Turning around, all 3 basic jumps, Freefall, Sideflip, Backflip, both Long Jumps, Wall Jump (with a new firstie animation!), all of the respective jumps' Landing animations, Crouching, Uncrouching and Crawling have been re-animated.

Also makes Mario open his hands on a couple of animations, makes him look around when strafing in the air, and makes heavy use of the unused eye states.

All of these can be toggled in the options menu.
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Reactions: Jsmoothie
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5.00 star(s) 3 ratings

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A little rough around the edges so far, most animations could use a few adjustments, like the triple jump and both the slow and fast long jump animations, but this mod makes me play BETTER. Why? Because the animations just make Mario feel more POWERFUL! Pulling off a side flip into a wall kick is just awesome, and even regular jumps have more of a punch to them, resulting in me kicking less and keeping the pace up. Great work so far!
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!! but could you bring pasta castle back please?
These look fantastic so far! The new animations even work pretty well on the other base characters. The only thing close to an issue I've run into is that sometimes Mario's eyes disappear after he gets burned, but other than that, very nice. Great work!